I use Design as an approach to elevate the needs and values of individuals and communities

Design Thinking + Human-Centered Design + Product Design + Service Design + Social Innovation + Strategic Design 
  • Service Design, Journey Map

    Service Design for Grants Application Processes

    How to implement a competitive and comprehensive grants development procedure for an academic institute funded mainly by federal research-based awards?


    A Precision Health and Equity tool for Frontline Health Workers in Guatemala.

  • Piezas Faltantes

    Piezas Faltantes (Missing pieces) is an intervention that brings to life the memory of people in Colombia who went missing due to the political armed conflict.

  • Participatory PSA design for Adolescents Health

    Working with adolescents leading targeted health issues for their peers.

  • Her Migrant Hub

    An Initiative working to improve access to and utilization of health and mental health care for women asylum seekers in New York City.

  • Creacción, Entrepreneurship for Empowerment

    Empowering girls in the lowest income area of Bogota to start sustainable entrepreneurship projects supporting UN’s Development Goals.