ATLAS Cartography + Data Visualization

ATLAS generates timely, prioritized, and accessible insights that motivate frontline action and drive the efficient allocation of health resources to meet the needs of communities, funders, and policy-makers. By combining mapping and data visualization, community health managers and leaders can administrate their catchment regions.

According to the World Health Organization, countries like Senegal and the Gambia are "on track to be declared malaria-free by 2030". However, the biggest challenge for malaria eradication lies at the community level. Communities' understanding of the disease and their commitment to sanitation is critical in lowering the number of cases. Village and community health workers double their efforts providing resources for malaria prevention and treatment, as they capture information to strengthen DHIS2 data.

The ATLAS platform integrates health and contextual data, including climate and rainfall indicators that can affect regions, coming from specific locations. The integration of these diverse types of data generates insights that are visualized on a region map. In a close to real-time period, community health managers can evaluate the variables that could create an epidemic outburst or the incidence of a seasonal disease in their regions and decide how to manage them accordingly.


Design Research
Product Design
User Testing


The Circle of Time - UN 70th Anniversary


COVID-19 PSA for Global Health