ATLAS User Hub

Atlas is a PLATFORM that encompasses a suite of tools that takes clinical information captured by community health workers in the field, and combines it with environmental data to generate INSIGHTS, BASED ON DATA VISUALIZATIONS that help teams to take actions in order to reduce morbidity and mortality in remote regions.

Community health providers around the globe struggle to manage workers and resources as they deliver care to more than 4 billion people worldwide. Without the capacity to leverage technology to meaningfully contextualize and evaluate service delivery, opportunities to improve outcomes and performance can be missed. It takes enormous, often unreasonable, effort to accurately answer fundamental questions: Who are our patients? Where do they live and how can we reach them? How do we best deploy our resources to optimize health outcomes? What practices work best and can be applied and measured now? 

With these challenges in mind, the Arnhold Institute for Global Health has developed ATLAS: a platform to manage population health impact across multiple dimensions at the community level, integrating diverse health and non-health information with advanced analytics and visualizations. 

ATLAS generates timely, prioritized, and accessible insights that motivate frontline action and drive the efficient allocation of health resources to meet the needs of communities, funders, and policy-makers. 

The platform integrates health and contextual data coming from specific locations. The integration of these diverse types of data generates insights that are visualized on a map of the region, showing key users in near real-time where they need to pay attention and allocate resources. Along with the map visualization, the system includes a user-configurable dashboard framework. Dashboards can support drill downs to underlying data to highlight insights and opportunities in health delivery and process management. 


Design Research
Product Design


The Circle of Time - UN 70th Anniversary